Configuring Experiments


Experiments is currently in private beta. If you're interested in testing this feature, contact support to learn how to enable Experiments in your RevenueCat project.

Before setting up an experiment, make sure you've created the products and offerings that you want to test and added any new products to the appropriate entitlements in your project. You should also test the offerings you've chosen on any platform your app supports.

Setting up a new experiment


Once enabled, you can access the Experiments tab under Product Setup.

Select + New and enter the following details:

  • Experiment name
  • Variant A - first offering
  • Variant B - second offering


The order of the variants doesn't matter. The experiment will try to test each offering equally.

Once done, select Add and view your new experiment.


Creating a new experiment

Starting an experiment

When viewing a new experiment, you can start, edit, or delete the experiment.

  • Start: Starts the experiment. Data collection and LTV begins immediately, but how quickly results start showing up depends on how active your users are.
  • Edit: Choose different offerings for the experiment.
  • Delete: Deletes the experiment.


An experiment that has been started should not be edited.

Double check that your offerings work on all platforms your app supports. Editing an Offering that's part of an active Experiment will result in missing data for any changed products.


Once an experiment is stopped, it can't be restarted.

If you want to continue a test, create a new experiment and choose the same offerings as the stopped experiment.



Test users will be placed into the experiment offering variants, but sandbox purchases won't be applied to your experiment.

If you want to test your paywall to make sure it can handle displaying the offerings in your experiment, you can use the Offering Override feature to choose a specific offering to display to a user.

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