Error Codes

200OKProcessed as expected
201CreatedEntity was created
202AcceptedRequest acknowledged, but cannot be processed in real time (for instance, async job)
204No contentThe request was successful and there was no content that could be returned
400Bad RequestClient error
401UnauthorizedNot authenticated
403ForbiddenAuthorization failed
404Not FoundNo resource was found
409ConflictUniqueness constraint violation
418I'm a teapotRevenueCat refuses to brew coffee
422Unprocessable entityThe request was valid and the syntax correct, but we were unable to process the contained instructions.
423LockedThe request conflicted with another ongoing request
429Too Many RequestsBeing rate limited
500Internal Server ErrorThe RevenueCat server ran into an unexpected problem – please check the RevenueCat status page for any known outages and/or report the issue to RevenueCat support
502Bad GatewayInvalid response from an upstream server
503Service UnavailableThere wasn’t a server to handle the request
504Gateway TimeoutWe could not get the response in time from the upstream server