
Expandables allow you to retrieve related data along with the request without making additional requests. Fields in the REST API will allow you to request additional information as an expanded response by using the expand query parameter.

For example, a product object will have an associated app_id field. This app_id field can be expanded in the same request with the expand query parameter and will include an app object in the response.

Without expand query param

  "object": "product",  
  "id": "prod1a2b3c4d5e",  
  "store_identifier": "rc_1w_199",  
  "type": "subscription",  
  "subscription": {  
    "duration": "P1M",  
    "grace_period_duration": "P3D",  
    "trial_duration": "P1W"  
  "created_at": 1658399423658,  
  "app_id": "app1a2b3c4"  

With expand query param:

  "object": "product",  
  "id": "prod1a2b3c4d5e",  
  "store_identifier": "rc_1w_199",  
  "type": "subscription",  
  "subscription": {  
    "duration": "P1M",  
    "grace_period_duration": "P3D",  
    "trial_duration": "P1W"  
  "created_at": 1658399423658,  
  "app_id": "app1a2b3c4",  
  "app": {  
    "id": "app1a2b3c4",  
    "name": "string",  
    "created_at": 1658399423658,  
    "type": "amazon",  
    "project_id": "proj1a2b3c4"  

As you can see from above, the app_id field remains the same, but the response contains an additional app object.

Fields that can be expanded into objects are indicated in the endpoint documentation under Query Params and will list accepted values.