For Startups

An in-app purchase platform that’s ready to scale with you

Can you say the same for your in-house IAP infrastructure?



The all-in-one workspace

"RevenueCat made implementing and managing Notion’s personal subscription product on iOS incredibly easy and straightforward. The exhaustive documentation combined with responsive support allowed us to ship quickly and confidently."

David He
David He, Software Engineer

Invest resources in growing your business, not reacting to platform changes

Fuel your growth engine with accurate cross-platform data

Get Critical Infrastructure that’s ready for the Top 100

Why RevenueCat

  • Own and Action Your Data

  • We breathe and sleep in-app purchases

How teams use RevenueCat

  • Marketing

    Empower your team with deep analytics and a cross-platform source of truth for customer data

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  • Data

    Free your data team from ad-hoc requests, trouble-shooting and double-checking data accuracy.

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  • Product

    Ensure user-insights guide your roadmap with access to clean cross-platform data.

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  • Support

    Debug issues and grant exceptions with a customer-level view of cross-platform usage and purchase timeline.

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  • Engineering

    Let your engineers focus on value-added features, not fixing IAP plumbing.

    Learn more

Want to see how RevenueCat can help?

RevenueCat enables us to have one single source of truth for subscriptions and revenue data.

Olivier Lemarie, PhotoRoomOlivier Lemarie, PhotoRoom
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