Introducing our Firebase Extension

Firebase developers get plug and play in-app purchase infrastructure

Firebase and RevenueCat extension in-app purchases
Francie Fernandes

Francie Fernandes

PublishedLast updated

Many mobile app developers trust Firebase as their backend-as-a-service provider.  At RevenueCat, we share a similar mission with Firebase: to provide the infrastructure that allows developers to focus on building their apps.

RevenueCat provides a robust in-app purchase backend that can be implemented with just a few lines of code. Our SDK simplifies implementation and maintenance, manages cross-platform subscription statuses, and solves painful edge cases so that developers can focus on the work that will make their app successful. 

We’re excited to announce the launch of our seamless integration with Firebase. Now Firebase users can easily implement in-app purchase infrastructure and connect RevenueCat with their suite of Firebase solutions to centralize cross-platform purchase data, gain customer insights, and drive growth.

What the RevenueCat and Firebase Extension Unlocks

  • Plug & Play In-App Purchase Infrastructure 

Just as Firebase makes it easy for developers to implement core backend functions, implementing RevenueCat’s SDK seamlessly implements in-app purchases and subscriptions across platforms while syncing tokens with the RevenueCat server. No more juggling multiple platforms, managing Apple and Google API changes, or normalizing data across app stores.

  • Centralize Data in the Firebase Backend 

This integration enables developers to store RevenueCat’s real-time normalized purchase data in Cloud Firestore. This means you can access and display RevenueCat purchase data for customers across both mobile and web apps.

  • Trigger Firebase Listeners based on real-time purchase events 

Set up listeners with Firebase Cloud Functions or in your apps to monitor purchase and subscription changes in real-time. Quickly respond to events and drive growth with marketing, CRM campaigns, and more.

  • Gain Customer Insights in Google Analytics for Firebase

Understand your customers’ purchase behavior and improve retention by sending lifecycle events from RevenueCat to Google Analytics for Firebase. Since RevenueCat sends events server-side, renewals and cancellations are sent to Google Analytics in real-time, even if the customer doesn’t open the app.

  • Authenticate purchase entitlements across platforms with Firebase Auth 

Firebase Auth users can set custom claims on a user’s auth token to check for active purchase entitlements on the web and in the app. 

If you’re already using Firebase and RevenueCat, visit the Enable In-App Purchases with RevenueCat extension page on Firebase to learn how to set up the integration.

To learn more about how RevenueCat can simplify implementation and maintenance, manage cross-platform subscription status, and solve painful edge cases so you can get back to building your app check out the docs.

In-App Subscriptions Made Easy

See why thousands of the world's tops apps use RevenueCat to power in-app purchases, analyze subscription data, and grow revenue on iOS, Android, and the web.

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