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OneSignal is the market leading customer engagement solution for Mobile and Web Messaging.

Customer Engagement & Retention

About OneSignal

OneSignal is the most widely used customer messaging and engagement solution, offering Push Notifications, Email, SMS & In-App. OneSignal's powerful multi-channel platform enables 1M businesses to deliver over 10B messages daily. The OneSignal SDK is leveraged by 8-13% of all mobile apps to message their users - making it a top 20 mobile SDK globally.

OneSignal and RevenueCat

The OneSignal and RevenueCat integration allows companies to craft and execute personalized and well-timed messaging campaigns using lifecycle subscription events tracked with RevenueCat. Through the integration, you can automatically send subscription events to OneSignal from RevenueCat and update tags within OneSignal on your users’ latest subscription status. With accurate and up-to-date subscription data in OneSignal, you'll be set to turbo charge your campaigns. This integration is available via OneSignal's mobile messaging channels.